colour it bright

Colour!! I am finally getting into it (after years of only wearing neutrals. I have been trying to add as much colour to any of my daily outfits....of course it doesn't work every day. But I try). Today I am  wearing a splendid necklace by Lara Sierra with red and orange and details from Morocco. (Combined with a lovely flower shaped white skirt and a dark blue silk my mom said, only the orange ballerinas are missing, which she so sweetly bought for me on her trip in Europe.....she will return on Saturday.....with amongst others the British Vogue...... so looking forward to that). (For the Necklace click Amazing Fez).


"In my garden there is a large place for sentiment. My garden of flowers is also my garden of thoughts and dreams. The thoughts grow as freely as the flowers, and the dreams are as beautiful"
-Abram L. Urban-

I hope you have a wonderful garden to enjoy.


happy friday

Photos from own collection
Hoogstraat, Otrabanda

You cannot help but smile when you drive into the Hoogstraat. Though there is still some construction going on, the colours of the buildings will bring out happiness in anyone. So this morning, as I stood infront of the entrance, I took a few pictures to share with you. ( These were taken with my phone.... as you might notice my my photography skills are from far great but even less so with a phone. I hope you like them though). 

Have a wonderful weekend. 
Smile loads. 


a bit from otrabanda

Image from here

Since last week I have been working in the neighbourhood of Otrabanda; part of the historic capital Willemstad (though quite small compared to others, it has however served as an important one throughout history). Both sides of Willemstad are filled with (newly restored) monuments, most of them now housing offices instead of families. Their sheer size and colours make it impossible not to admire them.
Across from my office there is a building which looks much like the one in the picture. I will check later on if it is indeed the same one. Somehow you feel more connected to the history and legacy of the island when driving through the streets of Otrabanda every morning. It is a nice feeling.

rock the taj

Images via various sources

Tonight we are rocking the Taj (so to speak of course) it is part of our (hmm monthly) dinner parties at the house of my one my friends and tonight we are being spoiled with the delights of Indian food. So today, in light of our dinner some wonderful images filled with colour and spirit.

Have a spendid day