amazing chic

Images via Pinterest
So chic, with a touch of pearl. 

"Because when you stop and look around, this life is pretty amazing" 
- Anon -

And all that "amazingness" is to be found in the smallest details. The birds singing in the morning, the sweet scent of candles, the tiny laughs when alone the car listening to a podcast (really I think the other drivers some times think I am quite a funny sight), the routine of my days and all the tiny surprises it brings. The deep red flowers blooming next the fountain, the welcoming smiles each morning. 
The sweet kisses good night and the knowledge that boat is just minutes away. The ribbon on my shirt, daily messages of my mom and the infinite travel plans (it is a long term project; with quarterly results). It is lunch at my grandma's, night clubs in the car and champagne nights with the girls. 
Where is your "amazingness" found?