
Yesterday Curacao had it's annual Fuik dag again. And it was absolutely amazing yet again. It's seems to be bigger each year. We are enjoying more music by amazing DJ's, the floats are more colourful and the returning party people keep increasing.

Leaving Spanish Water towards Fuik it was an "armada" of yachts, motorboats, sailing vessels, kayak's and basically anything anyone could find that would float for the short ride to Fuik Bay. Once there the music was everywhere. Each corner of the bay had a DJ, a band, a brass-band and yachts with sound systems that could fill any nightclub. The BBQ's were burning, champagne popping and people dancing. This is how Curacao opens up it's first week of the year. See you next year on the first Sunday of January for another splash!

photograph by rene ras.

photograph by rene ras.