emma bridge

Photos from own collection 

Yesterday for about an hour we were on the Emma Bridge, enjoying the view, the subtle movements and the wonderful feeling of being on the bridge when it opens and closes.

The Emma Bridge, built in 1888 by Leonard Burlington Smith, and named after Queen Emma (1890–1898), this bridge connects the Punda and Otrobanda districts in Curacao.
The 16 floating pontoon boats support the “Pontoon Bridge.” Also known as the “Swinging Old Lady,” it swings open using two powerful ship motors, allowing ships to access the port. From 1901 to 1934, people had to pay a toll to cross the bridge, with the exception of pedestrians going barefoot. 

summer lovin

Images via various sources.

It's hot! The sun is shining, the sky is blue and the temperature is up. It is summer and really all I would like to be doing is enjoying the beach and the beautiful turquoise ocean. (Ok, I am a fortunate in this way already, as twice a week I get to do this........hmmmm all year round.....(my apologies for the people in Europe.....we can't have it all; and though leaving behind the summer festivals, the weekend trips to the Cote d' Azure and H&M is certainly not easy..... all the weekends spent on the boat savoring the Caribbean sun surely makes up for the fabulous summers in Europe. Where ever you might be this summer, just make sure to look chic while in Sardinia, add loads of sun-block while in Curacao, party the night away in Ibiza and when in France have some macaroons with champagne. 

Loads of hugs
And loads of smiles

(oh and send postcards)

down comes the rain

Image via Dust Jacket Attic
Photographed by Friedemann Hauss

It is a dark rainy morning, after a night with pouring rain. The island’s green somehow much brighter than I remember it yesterday. As the streets become streams and the trees strangely remain still due to the complete lack of wind, I sit in my office warmed by a cup of coffee (and a little cookie) happily looking out of the window.

Have a wonderful day.

colour me beautiful

From Vogue Australia

The rain has stopped falling (for now) on my paradise island. The skies are clear blue, the water on the roads finally drying up and the days are once again filled with colour. We leave behind the coziness that the rain has brought us and we celebrate the brightness which the sun gives us.

I hope your days are filled with colour.