hello monday

Good morning and welcome to another wonderful week in December. I hope you had a great weekend. 
On Saturday Monart Gallery had their December Local Jewelry Exhibition, Bejeweled III. Of course, Beck, Lara and Evelien had their exquisite pieces on display. This year Nikita was also showing her photography talent with beautiful images of the island.

Enjoy the week.
Smile loads.


Beck Dutch Caribbean
Lara Sierra
Evelien Sipkes

tulipomania II

Tulips are remarkable flowers which seem to have the power to capture hearts (and break them). Although the Dutch Tulipomania is the most famous, Tulips have experienced other periods of "power" in other countries. The first mania occurred in 1500's in Turkey - which was the time of the Ottoman Empire and of Sultan Suleiman I (1494-1566). Tulips became highly cultivated blooms, developed for the pleasure of the Sultan and his entourage. During the Turkish reign of Ahmed III (1703-30) it is believed that the Tulip reigned supreme as a symbol of wealth and prestige and the period later became known as 'Age of the Tulips'.

It was during the early 1700's that the Turks began what was probably the first of the Tulip Festivals which was held at night during a full moon. Hundreds of exquisite vases were filled with the most breath-taking Tulips, crystal lanterns were used to cast an enchanting light over the gardens whilst aviaries were filled with canaries and nightingales that sang for the guests. Romantically, all guests were required to wear colours which harmonised with the flowers!
(more information on tulips visit Tesselaar)

happy friday

Images via various sources

Good morning! It is Friday once again. A rainy Friday here on the island (which is cosy when you are still lying in bed, but inpractical when you are wearing a white shirt....yes not smart.....but it looks so nice with the white pearls....hmmm). Happy to note though that I made it to the office with an unstained shirt.

Today I am all into the mailboxes (let me note that I absolutely love sending out snail mail to my friends, I very much enjoy receiving cards.....but any other mail.....well..... lets just say I have a lot of filing to do....which I promise I will get to soon). But I love these mailboxes. And am (still) considering painting mine orange......perphaps it will make the mailman smile more often. But if I ever find one like in the last photograph.....oeoelala.....tres chic.

Have a beautiful Friday
Smile loads.


happy friday

Image from own collection

Good morning and welcome to another wonderful edition of "Friday".
Today I am adding those touches of colour again.
My "oh-so-lovely" orange ballerinas with a (prepare yourself) red LV bucket bag. (Yes, orange and red.....) (am loving it.....just makes me smile) and I will include something from the "Encyclopedia of the Exquisite" (such a chic little book):

A holiday period ending the work week

"The two-day weekend was a long time coming. For much of the nineteenth century, workers put in ten-to-fourteen hour days six days a week, recovering on Sunday. Only around 1850 did Saturday become a half day for laborers in the US and in England. Then after strikes, union barganing- and brave batling- the weekend concept picked up speed, and the term entered our vocabulary.

 Encyclopedia of the Exquisite
by Jessica Kerwin Jenkins